JSC "PROMTEKHMONTAZH" has extensive experience in the manufacture of tanks of sheet assembly and the method of rolling. The method of sheet assembly of tanks is based on the installation of structures made of individual metal sheets rolled along the design radius. The method is suitable for the production of tanks of various sizes, including large-capacity metal structures or located on sites to which it is difficult to deliver elements for work by rolling. The principle of manufacturing tanks by rolling is that the roll prepared (rolled) at the plant of metal structures of JSC PROMTEKHMONTAZH is "unfolded" into the design diameter at the construction site.
In case of sheet assembly, pre-processing, including marking, editing, cutting, rolling of bottoms and walls, is carried out at the plants of JSC PROMTEKHMONTAZH. Welding of sheets and installation of structures of the required configuration are carried out on the construction site. In order to reduce deformations and internal stresses, special welding methods are used.
When installing steel tanks by sheet assembly, two methods are used. The first of them is the "belt extension". In this case, the walls of the tank are assembled from separate sheets of metal in height. As for the second method, it is called "belt growth". With it, they begin to assemble the wall from above, and after the structure, already assembled and welded, is lifted by specialized devices to assemble the lower belts.