Main / Activities



1.Production of construction and installation and special works; manufacture of construction, technological, special metal structures and products, non-standard technological equipment in accordance with POV

2. Development of design documentation, KMD drawings

3. Development of projects for the production of works

4.Performing the functions of a general contractor

5. Construction of objects of I-IV classes of complexity:

• geodetic works performed during construction;

• construction of foundations, foundations of buildings and structures;

• construction of concrete and reinforced concrete monolithic structures, except bridges, transport overpasses and overpasses;

• installation of precast concrete and reinforced concrete structures, except bridges, transport overpasses and overpasses;

• installation of steel bearing structures, except bridges, transport overpasses and overpasses;

• installation of wooden load-bearing elements (structures), except for bridges, transport overpasses and overpasses, except for those carried out by agricultural organizations during the construction of agricultural facilities by economic means;

• installation of stone and reinforced stone structures, except for bridges, transport overpasses and overpasses, except for those carried out by agricultural organizations during the construction of agricultural facilities by economic means;

• installation of the roof, with the exception of those carried out by agricultural organizations during the construction of agricultural facilities in an economic way;

• installation of facade thermal insulation systems and cladding of facades of buildings, with the exception of those carried out by agricultural organizations during the construction of agricultural facilities by economic means;

• installation of external water supply and sewerage networks;

• installation of internal water supply and sewerage systems, except for the installation of fire cranes on automatic fire extinguishing installations;

• installation of external heat supply networks;

• arrangement of internal heat supply networks;

• installation of outdoor networks and power supply lines, transformer substations and distribution devices;

• arrangement of internal power supply networks;

• installation of internal gas supply systems for housing facilities;

• installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems, except for smoke ventilation systems;

• construction of mine structures, with the exception of potentially dangerous objects, technical devices;

• installation of technological pipelines, with the exception of potentially dangerous objects, technical devices.

6.Installation and repair of technical devices used at hazardous production facilities:

• equipment operating under excessive pressure;

• lifting cranes, except for safety devices and devices;

• mine workings with a diameter of 1200 mm or more, where underground mining operations are carried out;

• crushing and screening plants, crushing and screening plants, production and (or) plants for the enrichment of non-metallic minerals with a design annual capacity of 100 thousand m3 of products located within the mining allotment;

• production with chemical, physico-chemical, physical processes, where the formation of explosive environments is possible, having explosive technological blocks with a relative energy potential of more than 9;

• ammonia refrigeration units with an ammonia content of 1000 kg or more;

• objects of gas distribution system and gas consumption; stationary installations for flame treatment of metals; safety, regulation and protection, as well as automated control systems for technological processes of distribution and consumption of gas; means of protection of underground steel gas pipelines and tanks from electrochemical corrosion;

• processing of grain and feed raw materials with a minimum design capacity of 100 tons per day, as well as storage of grain, processed products, feed raw materials with a capacity of 500 tons, during the operation of which explosive dust-air mixtures are formed with a lower concentration explosion limit below 65 g/ m3, capable of spontaneous ignition from the ignition source and burn independently after its removal;

• attractions;

• rolling and pipe production equipment;

• gas distribution systems and gas consumption;

• steam boilers with a steam pressure not exceeding 0.07 MPa and hot water boilers with a water heating temperature not exceeding 115 °With a single thermal power of 100 kW or more;

• Design of cargo handling devices; containers.

7. Execution of works on:

• installation of technological pipelines;

• installation of technological equipment;

• installation of internal engineering systems of buildings and structures: internal water supply; internal gas supply; ventilation and air conditioning; heating systems; heating points and boiler houses;

• installation of external networks and structures: heating networks; networks and structures of water supply and sewerage; gas pipelines;

• the device of thermal insulation of enclosing structures of buildings and structures: the device of ventilated insulation systems;

• filling of door and window openings.

8.Quality control of welded joints, certification of welders

9. Transportation of passengers and cargo

10. Construction activities in the Russian Federation.

Construction, reconstruction, overhaul, demolition of capital construction facilities under a construction contract, under a demolition contract:

— with respect to capital construction facilities;

— in relation to particularly dangerous, technically complex and unique capital construction projects (except for nuclear energy use facilities).
