Main / Objects / Реконструкция лесопильно-деревообрабатывающего цеха ОАО «Мостовдрев»

Реконструкция лесопильно-деревообрабатывающего цеха ОАО «Мостовдрев»

Name of the object and location

Reconstruction of the sawmill and woodworking shop of JSC "Mostovdrev".

Grodno region, Mosty

Date of commissioning

July 13, 2022

Technological features

In addition to the functions of the general contractor at the Reconstruction of the Sawmill and Woodworking shop of JSC Mostovdrev, the Grodno Installation Department of JSC PROMTEKHMONTAZH performed works on the installation of metal frames of buildings, wall panels, as well as the installation of technological equipment and fire extinguishing pipelines.
